Guiding, Supporting, Growing Together.

Our peer mentorship program offers guidance and support to individuals as they navigate their self-advocacy journey. This program creates a welcoming community that fosters connections among self-advocates, allowing them to learn from each other and grow toward their goals.

How does the mentorship program work?

We understand how helpful it is to have a friend who supports you. That's why we pair up self-advocates based on what they need and know. In each pair, one person is the mentor while the other is the peer. Together, they work on their self-advocacy goals. Arizona Achieve checks in regularly to see how things are going and provides extra help if it's needed. Our goal is to create a friendly space where everyone, whether guiding or being guided, can learn and grow on their leadership journey.

Become A Peer.

A peer is a friend who understands you. When you are a peer, you team up with someone like you. You both work on goals and learn together. If you want to be a peer and build a new relationship, click below to fill out the form to begin your leadership journey!

Become A Mentor.

A mentor is like being a guide for a friend. You help them learn and grow, and you both have fun on the journey. As a mentor, you'll share your experiences and learn from the peer. Click below to fill out the form and see if someone could use your friendship and wisdom!